Board Documents
HOA Request Form
- Use this form to submit a formal request to the Board for landscaping, architectural or other changes.
Establishing Documents
- All present and future Owners, mortgagees, lessees, or other persons who may use the facilities of the Condominium in any manner shall be subject to and comply with the provisions of the Condominium Bylaws.
- This document, together with the forms attached to it and all amendments that may be adopted in the future, is the establishing document by which Odeno is governed.
Help Docs
- The Board has worked to establish and maintain relationships and special rates with community services.
Shed Guidance Document
- Board-created How-To for getting your shed up and running! (COMING SOON!)
Pedestrian Tips
- Tips for walkers, bikers and community members when exploring our serene community. (COMING SOON!)
Special Edition Heartbeat Newsletter - Welcome Home!
- An extra special edition of the famous Heartbeat newsletter created by the newly formed Board to welcome Phase 3 familes. All families can enjoy the special edition digitally, or request a paper copy by contacting the Board. (COMING SOON!)